
Name of Statement: Privacy Policy

Document Version number: 001.0

Last updated: April 05, 2024



Read this Privacy Policy Statement, carefully. If you agree with its terms, use our services. Otherwise, if you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use our services.


  • Our website address is:    and it refers to words: { we, us, our } in this statement.



  • Currently, some features such as the features related to creating a dedicated account, the possibility of adding comments and the possibility of uploading media (image, audio, video) by the users/website visitors have not been activated and have not been made available. Therefore, we do not request, receive, store or process users’ personal information (such as their: Name, Address, email address, Phone number, Contact information, Banking information) and especially their sensitive personal information (such as biometrics, commercial, educational, religious, health, body state or body activity information). At the same time, it is possible that with the aim of increasing the quality level of the provided content and to know the experience of users and improve it in future developments, without asking for names or contact information, we ask for their general opinion regarding their experience and perceived quality. and analyze the results with the help of third parties or technical or commercial partners, so that we can make the necessary changes in the provided contents, page layout and other features provided by our team based on the overall results.
  • If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
  • When you visit or navigate our pages on website or use our services, we may collect automatically some information such as IP address, browser characteristics, device characteristics or device name, country, location, operating system (OS), usage features, referring URLs, language preferences, and/or other technical or timely information or logs that does not include the identity information of people such as their name or address or contact information.



  • We may use cookies and/or other/similar tracking technologies to collect and store your information, and/or to enhance site performance and/or for some other purposes such as marketing, spam detection, fraud prevention or security features or for our common analytical tools. In these cases, our service providers or partners or related third parties have access to all or some part of data. For example visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service. Therefore, whenever such features are added to the website and such facilities are made available to site users and/or site visitors, such information sharing may be implement and execute within the scope of any related and defined services to make it possible to define such services or to improve the level of security and/or quality of these services.



  • Contents on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, website elements, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. These websites may collect data about you, use cookies and/or other/similar tracking technologies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.



  • Third parties who provide us security services, spam detection services, marketing, web and traffic analytics and similar general and common services, such as services obtainable from Google Analytics or other Google services, and etc., may similarly use cookie technologies and/or other/similar tracking technologies to analyze data traffic and improving site security, or providing general reports related to improving the site’s ranking in search engines (SEO of website), and/or marketing analysis, and/or analysis related to site visits, such as highly visited or less visited pages, posts, articles, and/or links and/or other contents on websites and for other similar and common analysis and reports.



  • We will set our accessible settings on website panel administration to comply to GDPR. We have a strict policy in this regard to ensure the maximum protection of users’ information. In this case, we may rely on some legal bases to process users/visitors personal information, such as: User Consent, Our Legal Obligations, or/and Vital Interests.



  • No one can claim to have made a system 100% secure against cyber-attacks or hacker actions that lead to illegal downloading or changing or deleting user information. However, the security of users’ information is our serious concern and we will take action to create a reasonable security.



  • If someone contacts us, we may have access to some of the user’s or caller’s information for some reason. Some of this information is voluntarily provided to us by the correspondents (such as their email address and their name). A part is also collected and disclosed automatically and without our request, based on the performance of intermediary systems (such as email service providers). The retention of such information may not be temporary and may require long-term retention based on legal requirements. Otherwise, this information will be reviewed periodically and unnecessary items will not be kept for longer next periods.



  • We may outsource all or some of the required technical or organizational or administrative services. Also, in order to exchange information between the origin and the destination of the service exchange, it is possible that our information and our users’ information shared and passes through certain routes or is shared and is processed, stored, retrieved or analyzed by humans or machines in certain systems or servers. Such items may be our representatives or have an independent legal identity such as contractors or third parties and the like. For example, we can mention a few identities such as follows:
  • Website Hosting Service Providers, Cloud Computing Services, Data Storage Service Providers, Communication & Collaboration Tools, Performance Monitoring Tools, User Account Registration & Authentication Services, Government Entities, Consultancy Teams and Companies, Payment Processors, Finance & Accounting Tools, Advertisement Networks, Marketing Partners, Affiliate Marketing Programs, Order Fulfillment Service Providers, Sales & Marketing Tools, Data Analytics Services, Testing Tools, Product Engineering & Design Tools, Social Networks, Retargeting Platforms.



  • What we provide is in the form of “AS IS” and it may be far from the ideal or “TO BE” model, in some cases.. We do our best to provide quality contents and introduce information and/or suitable products and services available on the web. However, due to the enormous complexity of the available data and information and contents on Web, both technically and content-wise, we expect our visitors and users to be more detailed and have more due diligence, before any use of the presented contents or introducing them to others. examine and check in a more detailed manner and ensure the quality, to be up-to-date, correctness and accuracy, and suitability of the information and products or services introduced, with their conditions and/or needs or other end users.
  • Currently, we have not designed and do not provide any special services for people under the age of 18 years old. By starting and continuing to use our services, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, or that you are the parent or legal guardian of a person to whom these services are provided by you under your supervision.
  • After any develop and lunch new features of the website, such as the possibility of creating a personal account that will lead to the collection of some personal information of users, we will provide additional measures necessary for users to enjoy their rights, such as the possibility of viewing the entered information and editing or deleting them or deleting their accounts.
  • In case of any concern or desire of users to raise a legal request, they can contact us at this email address: ” ” and inform us of their opinion or request. This e-mail address is specifically intended for this purpose, and contents received outside of this domain will not be processed in this e-mail.
  • The terms of this privacy policy statement may be changed or updated from time to time. In this case, the new provisions will be notified on this page or on one of our website pages (with the relevant name and address). Also, if we have already registered users and created a personal account for them, we will send them information about such changes through the email address they have provided to us and registered in their account.